Register to Vote Performance dashboard

Live service usage

Register to Vote applications submitted in a 5-minute period

30 applications in the past 5 minutes

Past 24 hours - applications per 5 minutes

Time Online Applications
10:55 am 30
10:50 am 33
10:45 am 26
10:40 am 34
10:35 am 14
10:30 am 27

Applications breakdown

26 Jul 2024 6,544 total applications submitted in the past day

Application breakdown graphs

Applications per day

Applications per day

Applications per week

Date Online Paper forms
26 Jul 2024 6,213 331
25 Jul 2024 6,490 327
24 Jul 2024 6,722 377
23 Jul 2024 7,635 404
22 Jul 2024 7,422 413
21 Jul 2024 4,683 3

Online take-up

Percentage of online applications, instead of paper

1 to 30 Jun 2024 99%
Month Online take-up rate
1 to 30 Jun 2024 99%
1 to 31 May 2024 97%
1 to 30 Apr 2024 96%
1 to 31 Mar 2024 94%
1 to 29 Feb 2024 92%
1 to 31 Jan 2024 91%

Applications by age group

Date Under 25 25 to 34 35 to 44 45 to 54 55 to 64 65 to 74 Over 75
26 Jul 2024 1,175 2,369 1,432 749 464 215 140
25 Jul 2024 1,232 2,349 1,492 774 546 263 160
24 Jul 2024 1,275 2,509 1,558 806 526 281 144
23 Jul 2024 1,432 2,818 1,793 864 633 321 178
22 Jul 2024 1,434 2,744 1,681 899 616 302 159
21 Jul 2024 984 1,756 1,030 501 288 86 41

Applications by type of elector

Data is for online applications only

Date UK residents British citizens abroad Armed forces Crown servants and British
Council Employees
26 Jul 2024 6,168 42 1 2
25 Jul 2024 6,424 66 1 0
24 Jul 2024 6,650 70 3 0
23 Jul 2024 7,564 70 2 0
22 Jul 2024 7,354 64 3 1
21 Jul 2024 4,652 27 2 2

Applications by nation

Date England Scotland Wales Northern Ireland
26 Jul 2024 5,552 569 301 122
25 Jul 2024 5,858 549 239 171
24 Jul 2024 6,077 604 288 130
23 Jul 2024 6,881 674 316 168
22 Jul 2024 6,672 679 313 171
21 Jul 2024 4,016 375 214 81

User satisfaction

Overall satisfaction score, with 100% = 'very satisfied' to 0% = 'very dissatisfied'

15 Jul 2024 93%
Week Overall satisfaction Very dissatisfied Dissatisfied Neither satisfied
or dissatisfied
Satisfied Very satisfied
15 Jul 2024 93% 2 0 0 21 77
8 Jul 2024 94% 0 2 3 17 106
1 Jul 2024 84% 26 7 6 45 195
24 Jun 2024 89% 8 5 4 32 143
17 Jun 2024 91% 41 41 68 373 1,800
10 Jun 2024 92% 45 35 72 411 2,235

Service availability - 30 days

26 Jul 2024 100%
Date Response time Uptime
26 Jul 2024 664ms 100%
25 Jul 2024 682ms 100%
24 Jul 2024 663ms 100%
23 Jul 2024 660ms 100%
22 Jul 2024 657ms 100%
21 Jul 2024 633ms 100%

Service availability - 24 hours

10:00 am 100%
Time Response time Uptime
10:00 am 687ms 100%
9:00 am 685ms 100%
8:00 am 657ms 100%
7:00 am 665ms 100%
6:00 am 664ms 100%
5:00 am 647ms 100%

This service is used to get on the electoral register or to update electoral details. You need to be on the electoral register (sometimes called the ‘electoral roll’) to vote in elections and referendums.

For the:

Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities



Service costs paid by:

Department budget